
ENSA General Assembly 2015

The ENSA General Assembly 2015 took place in Klagenfurt on September 17th and 18th, in cooperation with the ELISAN Conference 'Youth Employment: Investing in skills and job creation'.

The objective of the conference was to tackle youth unemployment and invest in skills to continue jointly the dialogue at European level exchanging best practices from the Regions.

The objective of the ENSA and connected meetings is to favor the development of EU project applications in the field of inclusive society and education, family policies, violence prevention, elderly well-being and nutrition, dementia and quality care. These themes were connected in the different working groups (elderly, disability, youth and family, child and social inclusion) to the opportunities of the EU programming period 2014-2020.


ENSA General Assembly 2015 - Agenda, English


ENSA General Assembly 2015 - Agenda, French


ENSA General Assembly 2015 - Social Event Agenda


ENSA General Assembly 2015 - Youth Care Agenda

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