venezia 5

ENSA General Assembly 2022, part 2

The Veneto Region and the ENSA (European network of Social Authorities) have the pleasure to invite you to the second part of the General Assembly 2022 that, thanks to the improving of the COVID situation, can be hold face to face for those who have the possibility to come.

The objective of the meeting will be to update together the bodies of the network, according to the changes that have occurred in the last years, and the statutes. In addition, suggestions to the general guidelines of the annual programme can be exchanged for future developments

Furthermore, we will take this opportunity to provide to the thematic working groups a possibility to share their priorities taking advantage of a specific invitation of the final meeting of the N.E.x.T TO YOU project (Network for the Empowerment, the social and labour inclusion of Trafficked minors and young adults).

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Programme ENSA General Assembly, part 2

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Invitation ENSA General Assembly, part 2


Minutes ENSA General Assembly, part 2

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