
Urban Health Centres 2.0

In collaboration with the ELISAN network

Urban Health Centres 2.0: Integrated health and social care pathways, early detection of frailty, management of polypharmacy and prevention of falls for active and healthy ageing in European cities
General objective
Urban Health Centres 2.0 (UHC2.0) promote innovative integrated health and social care pathways, early detection of frailty, management of polypharmacy and prevention of falls for active and healthy ageing in European cities.

The general objective is to develop, implement, and evaluate the UHC2.0 in 5 varied European cities that will act as pilot site, in order to produce and disseminate a transferable and easily implementable model for the innovative UHC2.0. The UHC2.0 should be a platform for the realisation of the priorities of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing.

In the whole project, a strong communication and optimal dissemination strategy will be realised.
Expected outcome
​We aim for a reach of > 70% of older people invited for preventive care; implementation integrity of >70%; a half standard deviation (SD) improvement in measures of independence and HR-QoL; a decrease of use-of-care and costs after 14 months of follow-up compared to the baseline measurements; and finally, an appreciation by stakeholders >7 on a 1-10 scale. The project will result in a transferable and easily implementable model for UHC2.0 for integrated health and social care pathways, early detection of frailty, management of polypharmacy and prevention of falls for active and healthy ageing in European cities. A tool box with instruments and protocols and a concise policy document will be produced that contributes to the priorities of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA).

List of partners:

  • Erasmus MC
  • City of Rotterdam
  • University of Applied Science Rotterdam
  • Polibienestar Research Institute – Universitat de València
  • AGE Platform Europe
  • European Local Inclusion and Social Action Network (ELISAN)
  • Municipality of Pallini
  • University of Manchester
  • Croatian Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Health Economics
  • Zorg Op Noord
  • University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine

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