

Value-based methodology for integrated care supported by ICT

Programme: HORIZON 2020 programme

Erasmus MC 
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Vodafone Innovus
Vidavo digital Health 
Caritas Diocesana de Coimbra
Regione del Veneto - ULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana 
ISRAA- Istituto per Servizi di Ricovero e Assistenza agli Anziani 
University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine 
Universitat de Valencia
Athens Medical Group 
Las Naves
UCD Dublin
AFIC- Alliance for Integrated Care 
AGE Platform Europe 
IFIC- International Foundation for Integrated Care 
Senior Europa (KVC)

Topic and objectives:

The ValueCare project aims to deliver efficient outcome-based integrated (health and social) care to older people facing cognitive impairment, frailty and multiple chronic health conditions in order to improve their quality of life (and of their families) as well as the sustainability of the health and social care systems in Europe. It will also take into account the job satisfaction and the wellbeing of the health and social service providers, thus moving from the “Triple” to the “Quadruple Aim”. The project’s vision of integrated value-based care will be supported by a robust, secure and scalable digital solution that will be tested and evaluated in 7 large-scale pilots in Europe following a sound methodology developed by the project partners together with the end-users. The consortium is made up of 17 partners from 8 EU countries, led by the Erasmus Medical Centre. The project started December 2019 and will last 4 years (some adaptation or extension might be needed, depending on the COVID-19 situation).

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